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Types of Peacock Cichlids (With Pictures)

Peacock Cichlids are freshwater fish found in Central and South America, Africa, Madagascar, and Australia. They come in many colors and patterns. These types of cichlids are often considered to be the most beautiful fish in the world due to their bright colors and unique appearance. While they are undoubtedly popular among aquarium owners, many different types of peacock cichlids can be quite different from one another.


7 popular types of Peacock Cichlids

Following are some popular types of cichlids:

1. Blue Neon Peacock Cichlid

Blue neon peacock cichlid

The blue neon peacock cichlid, scientifically known as Aequidens pulcher, is an amazingly beautiful South American freshwater fish that exhibits the vibrant blue and green coloration typical of the Neon Cichlid species. It's no surprise that these fish are commonly kept by hobbyists in aquariums all over the world, given their striking beauty and excellent adaptability to the aquarium.

These fish can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) but will usually stay smaller when kept in an aquarium. While not very aggressive, these fish are territorial and may fight with other males of their species or other similar-looking species of cichlids. This might make it difficult for beginners to keep more than one male in a tank. For people who want to breed these fish, a pair of males and three females should be enough.


2. OB Peacock Cichlid

OB Peacock Cichlid

OB peacocks are one of the most famous types of peacock cichlids. They are South American cichlids that can sometimes be found for sale in pet stores. Their name is derived from their bright, gold color, which is sometimes referred to as an orange belly.

Despite these being cichlid species, they aren't particularly aggressive and will only start squabbling with others when there isn't enough food or room for everyone in their tank.

Like most other types of cichlids, OB peacocks have large mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth. They also have long dorsal fins that curve over their backs like a rainbow and pointy scales on their heads.


3. Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid

Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid

The dragon blood peacock cichlid is one of many species of peacocks, a classification that also includes London, Kipili and Congo. All of these fish have brightly colored bodies with broad fins, making them quite a sight to behold in an aquarium.

The dragon blood comes from Lake Malawi in Africa; it prefers to swim among rocks and driftwood in a tank. These fish typically live up to 12 years, though many are known to live for more than 20 years. They reach sexual maturity between 5 and 8 months. A Dragon blood peacock can grow up to 8 inches long.


4. Sulfurhead Peacock Cichlid

Sulfurhead Peacock Cichlid

Sulfurhead peacock cichlids are another important species of Peacock Cichlids. They are colorful and peaceful fish that are great for beginner aquarists. They're endemic to Africa and found in Lake Malawi and other Rift Valley lakes. In terms of behavior, they can be found sitting at higher levels on rocks or even logs, or swimming around lower levels of your tank—they don't prefer one over another.

However, like most African cichlids, these fish are territorial towards their kind. Sulfurhead peacock cichlid is a very active fish and should be fed three times a day. They should have enough room in their habitat to move around freely and swim about, so make sure they have a tank that's at least 5 gallons. Their diet can consist of flake foods, freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp and mosquito larvae.


5. Blue Peacock Cichlid

Blue Peacock Cichlid

Blue peacock cichlids are a unique color mutation of the common peacock cichlid (Cichlasoma citronella). Despite their bright blue coloration, these fish are one of the more hardy cichlid species and they make excellent beginner fish. Though they are commonly referred to as blue peacocks, they can also be called blue diamond cichlids or diamond cichlids.

Blue peacock cichlids can be relatively hard to care for. They need a lot of space and should be kept in a tank of at least 75 gallons. They also need a lot of live plants and rocks in their tank, as well as plenty of other fish species; they cannot survive in isolation. It's best if you keep them with other African cichlids like kribs or convicts.


6. Ruby Red Peacock Cichlid

Ruby Red Peacock Cichlid

Ruby red peacocks are aggressive fish and this is one of their most common characteristics. They tend to be territorial and will defend their territory from intruders. Although many report them being peaceful when in a pair or trio, they have been known to fight one another if not separated by a tank divider. This can be dangerous for other fish.

They are a relatively picky eater. They prefer live food that closely resembles their natural prey, small aquatic insects and crustaceans. With most fish, you can feed them flake or pellet foods as well, but they'll often reject these offerings in favor of some animal protein.


7. Sunshine Peacock Cichlid

Sunshine Peacock Cichlid

The sunshine peacock cichlid (Aulonocara stuartgranti) is native to Lake Malawi in Africa, and it's one of the most popular fish in the freshwater aquarium trade today. It gets its name from its bright colors, which can be red, orange, yellow or blue, depending on the variety. These colors vary by body region—the tail, mouth and dorsal fin have brighter colors than the rest of the body—and their iridescence makes them very attractive in an aquarium setting.



With a wide variety of Peacock Cichlids available on the market, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your aquarium. Whether you're just starting or have been breeding fish for years, you can't go wrong with this popular and colorful addition to your aquarium setup. Just make sure you follow the proper tank requirements and guidelines, as well as pay close attention to diet and socializing so that your new Peacock Cichlids can thrive in their new home.